Saya ingin meminta ASI. Bagaimana cara menemukan donor?

Permintaan untuk susu donor harus dilakukan oleh orang tua, wali / pengurus yang ditunjuk pengadilan, atau oleh seseorang yang memiliki izin untuk memberikan perawatan medis untuk bayi tersebut. Jika tidak, untuk meminta susu untuk orang lain, silakan kirim pesan ke halaman akomodasi.

Di Facebook:

  • Before posting, please read the 4 Pillars for specifics about penyaringan donors or recipients and the safe handling of donated ASI.
  • Go to your local Eats on Feets Facebook Chapter and follow it for safe milksharing information.
  • The Community Group is featured at the top of the Page.
  • Please read the rules for participating upon joining.
  • Check the posts for current offers and requests. Respond to the posts that suit your situation and let the poster know in the comments that you sent them a private message so they know to look for it.
  • Please practice safe social networking: Do not engage if something does not feel right; do not share private information in the group, and do not send people any money for milk, gas, parts, pelayaran, dll.
  • If you do not find a match that is suitable to you, post your offer or request. Please include some background information regarding your general location, whether this is an ongoing or temporary request/donation, usia anak Anda, pertimbangan diet khusus apa pun, cara terbaik untuk menghubungi Anda, dll.
  • If you do not see your post in the group, please make sure you followed the rules or it may have been declined or removed.
  • Regularly check for comments on your post. Facebook notifications can be delayed or unreliable. Terserah donor dan penerima untuk terhubung satu sama lain, check their post, dan menindaklanjuti dengan calon pelanggan potensial.
  • Jika Anda belum menerima tanggapan terhadap postingan Anda, please feel free to post again. Please feel free to also post in a neighboring Community Group.
  • Please send a message to your local Page if you need further assistance.

Our Community Groups are public though posts can be made anonymously. We believe that there is safety in transparency and we believe that screening and approving members gives a false sense of security to our members.

Silakan juga memposting bab di negara bagian tetangga atau kirim pesan ke halaman Beranda Eats on Feets jika tidak ada bab di wilayah Anda.

Terserah donor dan penerima untuk terhubung satu sama lain, cek di postingan, dan saling menindaklanjuti.

Bukan di Facebook

  • Silakan email kami with your request and appropriate background information, termasuk kontak untuk berbagi. The request will be posted on the relevant Facebook Chapter and donors will make private contact.

Untuk permintaan yang sering, akun Facebook disarankan karena memungkinkan cara yang lebih efektif bagi keluarga untuk terhubung.

Bagian berikutnya: Setelah menemukan donor.