What does Eats on Feets believe?

Eats on Feets believes that:

  • Breastfeeding is essential for both infant and global health.1
  • 모유 can be shared in a safe, ethical manner and families are capable of making 정보에 입각한 선택.
  • Sharing healthy breastmilk is a vital option, when necessary, in order to maintain exclusive breastfeeding.
  • There is enough breastmilk for all the babies who need it.
  • Informed use of healthy donor milk is superior to artificial substitutes.
  • Wet nursing is an important part of milksharing.
  • Hand expressing (while maintaining a clean technique) of milk does not involve the cleaning of parts and may thus be cleaner and safer than using a mechanical pumping system.
  • Breastmilk from a healthy donor that is raw and fresh (not frozen) is closest to its natural state and therefore most beneficial.2
  • Detailed health history and blood work can be discussed between donors and recipients in order to come to a mutual agreement for both long- and short-term sharing.
  • Proper health 상영 can be done to reduce the risk of exposure to 병원체 (gems).
  • When full screening is not available, 기증자의 건강 상태를 알 수 없음, or to reduce the potential risks of exposure to HIV and other pathogens, breastmilk can be pasteurized. ((See ‘How can breastmilk be pasteurized at home?’ for more information.))
  • Individual rights should be respected in all decision-making and milksharing interactions. Those who participate in the sharing of breastmilk should be aware of their options so that they can make informed choices that are best suited to their unique situation.
  • Individuals and communities are in a key position to help meet the breastmilk needs of babies.

다음: What does Eats on Feets not do?


  1. In this document, Eats on Feets utilizes the WHO definition of exclusive breastfeeding which includes 젖은 간호 and donor milk. In support of exclusive breastfeeding, informed milksharing is a safe and viable infant feeding option for families. WHO Guidelines for exercising feeding options. Eats on Feets recognizes both the benefits that direct feeding from the breast bestows as well as the value of the milk itself. We may, therefore, use the words breastmilk, 인간의 우유, 우유, 상황에 따라 기증 우유를 서로 바꿔 사용할 수 있습니다.. We also recognize and affirm chest feeding as part of the infant feeding spectrum. ↩︎
  2. 참조하십시오 Why breastmilk for more information on the properties of breastmilk. ↩︎