Umum Informasi tentang Obat

We gathered a few resources for general information on medication while breastfeeding.

A common reason for the cessation of breastfeeding or using expressed milk is the use of medication by the lactating parent with the advice from their physician to stop nursing. Namun, sebagian besar obat kemungkinan besar tidak berpengaruh pada suplai ASI atau kesehatan bayi.1 It is true that almost any drug that is present in the blood will transfer into human milk to some extent but most medications only do so at low levels and pose no real risk to most infants.

Ketika penghentian menyusui dianjurkan, risiko tidak menyusui juga perlu dipertimbangkan.2

Below is information from Infant RisCenter with a few commonly used medications.

There are exceptions, though, in which drugs can become concentrated in breastmilk. Hasil dari, every medication must be considered separately. The apps below can help with finding more in-depth information about specific medications while breastfeeding.

Silakan membuka semua obat, obat, dan vaksinasi kepada penerima dan diskusikan kekhawatiran dengan penyedia layanan kesehatan.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, Lihat juga Vaksin dan Rempah, vitamin dan suplemen lainnya.


  1. AAP. 2001. Transfer Obat-obatan dan Bahan Kimia Lainnya Ke Air Susu Manusia ↩︎
  2. Mengapa susu manusia?? ↩︎