I have contacted a donor. Як мені діяти??

Обговоріть один з одним, як би ви хотіли діяти далі. Does someone have a small donation or a recurring amount for you? Do you want to email a list of questions or ask questions over the phone? Ви підходите один одному?? Хочете спочатку зустрітися особисто? Які питання ви б хотіли поставити один одному? Чи можете ви водити один до одного? Чи потрібно відправляти молоко?1 Do you need a pump? Do you want the donor to be screened? Who will cover what costs? І так далі.

It is also important to discuss what your donor would like you to do with their milk if your baby will not take it or if you have more than you need. In order for you to pass on someone else’s milk, it is not enough for you to have their permission. In order to offer this milk on our network, we require the name and contact information of the original donor so that we can make a post and the new recipient can contact the original donor directly for their own full informed choice process.

In most cases, Eats on Feets does not personally know the donors, nor does Eats on Feets screen them, so it is imperative that you know your source. While it is true that the sharing of грудне молоко offers many benefits, the risk of disease/contamination (albeit extremely low) does exist. Therefore caution needs to be exercised, particularly with premature and sick infants.

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Наступний розділ: Do you have suggestions for addressing donors?


  1. It is best not to send money to strangers for shipping. This is often a scam. ↩︎