Creating Ripples with our Nipples since 2010

The Resource for the Informed Sharing of Human Milk is more than a guide for safe community-based and private arrangement milksharing. Above all, when gathering information and research to support the safe sharing of human milk, we realized that we could not simply present a standard of milksharing nor make straight statements about safe milksharing. We also needed to provide information as to why something is considered the standard, wat dat iets betekent, en what the alternatives to that standard could be.

The first result of our research is this document, now a website: The Resource for the Informed Sharing of Human Milk. This resource offers information beyond the scope of what parents and caretakers may want or need to know about safe milksharing but nonetheless, wij van mening dat de informatie die van belang zijn voor het maken van kan zijn geïnformeerde keuzes.

The second result of our work is Het 4 Pijlers van Safe Moedermelk Delen. These four pillars are simple to implement, evidence-based steps. They form the foundation to practice or support the practice of safe community-based and private arrangement milksharing.

It is our hope that these documents help to normaliseren milksharing and natte borstvoeding as safe and viable infant feeding options, creating equitable access to donor milk for all families and their babies.

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Geschreven door
Maria Armstrong, LCCE, CD
schelp Luttrell, Retired CPM, LM

With special thanks to
Dr. Angie Bond, doctoraat, MS
Tracy Hydeman, CPM
Stacy Lowery, RN
and deepest gratitude to the many reviewers.

Deze vertegenwoordigen onze mening en niet die van onze werkgevers
en/of andere groepen waarmee we zijn geassocieerd.