Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

While many STIs are not a contraindication to breastfeeding,1 it is very important to disclose to the recipient any infections and their treatment, as well as any potential risk factors. Donors can infect expressed milk by improper handling, as can recipients. Donors should also be aware of the fact that they may not know the status of their partner. Regular blood screening is recommended by milk banks.

Human Papillomavirus (HPV), which is also an STI, is not transmitted by breastfeeding nor by expressing milk unless there is contact between vaginal/seminal fluids and the breast/nipple. Proper handwashing and expressing techniques are recommended after sexual activity.

Please also, see Syphilis і Herpes. Please consult a healthcare provider if there is a reason to suspect an STI.

Please seeHow can грудне молоко be pasteurized at home? for more information on heat-treating and pathogens.


  1. Office on Women’s Health – Sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy, and breastfeeding ↩︎